Introducing Our New Title
Happy New Year! 2018 was abundant with creative editing as we shaped the film into its unique story. In the process, we sought feedback from talented people in the documentary world, including filmmakers at KTQ Labs and consulting editors and producers. One of the most important things that emerged over time was the need for […]
Rough Cut at KTQ Labs
A work-in-progress of our film about the human research heroes of an Alzheimer’s study was screened and discussed at KTQ Labs in Chicago at the end of October. This opportunity, hosted by Kartemquin Films, the makers of Hoop Dreams and America to Me, in addition to many of the most notable independent documentaries from the past […]
Investigators Work to Crack the Code on SuperAging
Imagine blowing out 80 birthday cake candles and still having remarkable memory power. For most of us, that may sound too good to be true—as we struggle to remember if we took our vitamins a minute ago. But participants at the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center’s 2018 Annual Fall Lecture, titled Resilience in Brain Aging, […]
The First Memory Camp
On a beautiful summer day in late August, 2018, I stood on a hill overlooking Moon Beach Camp located near St. Germaine, Wisconsin. With me was a person I’d just met, a local pastor of two small churches who had agreed to volunteer for what I believe was the first residential camp experience in the […]
Data Sharing Brings Promise to Alzheimer’s Disease Research
Science is not solitary. The image of a lone researcher working late into the night in the lab doesn’t come close to capturing how scientific progress is made. Dedicated scientists, money, and time are all important, but amid public uncertainty over scientific funding, one more component valuable to the research process often flies under the […]
Moving for a Cause and a Cure
10,000 steps a day. Just Do It. Move, move, move… “I feel like I’m on a personal race against the onset of Alzheimer’s,” says Sigrid, one of the characters in Will I Be Next? Sigrid’s on a mission to stay ahead of the disease through healthy eating and exercise. As a participant in the Wisconsin […]
Biomarkers Take Front and Center in Alzheimer’s Research
I’m in a long-term study on Alzheimer’s disease that is attempting to unlock the door to what exactly causes the disease and how to prevent it. Every two years the researchers hold meetings in various locations to provide research participants an update on what they’re learning. In the meeting I recently attended, I was excited […]
Fresh Faces in the Fight
Spotted on the Illinois Wesleyan University’s web page: “Know someone affected by Alzheimer’s Disease? Are you interested in spreading awareness to the community about its debilitating effects? Even if you have the slightest curiosity about Alzheimer’s and its prevalence in our country, join this organization! Unfortunately, this is a disease that anyone can get, so […]
Gilded Cage or Opportunity for Change?
My 89-year-old mother and I attended our local Alzheimer’s Association Science Night Community Dinner in Dayton, Ohio. She has dementia. One of the presentations highlighted the first Bob and Diane Fund international grant for visual storytelling about Alzheimer’s and dementia. The featured winner of the contest was Swedish photographer Maja Daniels “for her long-term project […]
Communities of Hope
In this season of reflection, the team at Will I Be Next? is hopeful about the future. The Amazing Grace Choir (photo) is an initiative of the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute, and is reducing the stigma of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in Milwaukee and providing quality time for caregivers and their loved ones. In Minnesota, The […]